. . . I realized that I had a hard time extending love and forgiveness to others because I had not learnt self-compassion. . .
Self-love entails having a high regard for your own wellbeing and happiness . . . while Self-care involves the conscious choices and activities that support and promote . . .
If you believe that perfection and excellence are the same, then you are as mistaken as I used to be . . . and I will share with you, the illusion of perfection.
Contrary to my emotions, . . .it was a transient phase that would expire soon. I chose to believe that the experience came, for it to pass.
Gratitude is an expression of contentment . . . Gratitude is not an emotion or a feeling; it is a choice, it is a decision, it is a commitment.
However, the abundance mindset exposes you to the positive reality that your idea is unique to you and there is room for it.